Monday, September 20, 2010

Welcome Everyone!!!!

We are just 2 simple Jens brought together through the miracle of embryo adoption.

City Jen gave birth to her miracle twin daughters in January, 2010. City Jen has adopted 5 children after birth & 2 children adopted as embryos.

Country Jen gave birth to her miracle baby girl on June 14, 2010. Country Jen has 1 birth daughter, 6 adopted children & one child adopted as an embryo.

Between the 2 Jens, we have 15 children, 14 of which are adopted. Most of which we have an open adoption arrangement with the birth families.

Our goal is to help educate, encourage & give free advice both solicited and unsolicited on the miracle of embryo adoption.

Feel free to email either of us @

Please visit City Jen's Family Blog: Jen's Seven From Heaven

City Jen's Girls who were adopted as embryos:
Sarah and Anna

Please visit Country Jen's Embryo Adoption Blog: Womb For One More

Country Jen and Blakely